Estampación manual

22 Pins
Hoy encantadores sellos de caucho para ti: aprendiendo la técnica del carvado.
Dentro del top de tendencias para los amantes de las manualidades y el scrapbooking , esta el stamp carving , o lo que es lo mismo el carva...
Workout Gear for the New Year: DIY Gym Bags
One of the most common New Year’s resolutions has got to be “I’ll join the gym!” And then … we’re sleepy and lazy and we don’t have a good gym bag, so we g
Emotions via textile design – Karen Barbé
Tutorial: estampado textil por Barbé -
Disney Finding Dory Dory Dot Topaz from @fabricdotcom Licensed by Disney to Camelot Fabrics, this cotton print is perfect for quilting, apparel and home décor accents. This is a licensed fabric and not for commercial use. Colors include navy, royal, yellow, black and white.
52 Weeks of Printmaking: Week 36 (Jen Hewett)
52 Weeks of Printmaking: Week 36
Make your own stamps with a razor knife and foam, carve any shape youd like and attach it to a chunk of woos or milk jug lid, etc. WINTER STREET - hand carved rubber stamp set - 3 houses - 2 trees.
Make your own stamps with a razor knife and foam, carve any shape youd like and attach it to a chunk of woos or milk jug lid, etc. WINTER STREET - hand carved rubber stamp set - 3 houses - 2 |
DIY Geometric Stamp Set
Prepara el motivo que quieras y estampa un mural, papel de regalo, marcapáginas, diseña tu marca personal para identificar tus libros, etc./ DIY: Stamp
Home - The Craft Train
Create easy DIY textured foam stamps. THis is an easy art activity for kids or can be used to make fun handmade gift wrap and cards.
Fivestar Branding Agency – Business Branding and Web Design for Small Business Owners
Tropical Wedding by Sunda Studio | Fivestar Branding Agency – Design and Branding Agency & Inspiration Gallery