12 Pins
Discover: Five contemporary embroidery artists – TextileArtist
nge Jacobsen uses found commercial imagery and thread to put her own spin on classic advertising. Embroidery is used to physically alter the pictures and appropriate their meaning; the artist has named this process ‘hijacking’. Recently Inge has enjoyed working on a commission for American Express, who wanted an original perspective on 3 of their classic cards to use in a social media advertising campaign. For more information visit IngeJacobsen.com
Needle weaving tutorial in Crafty magazine
I'm very happy to announce this needle weaving tutorial I made for the last issue of Crafty magazine (issue 10) which is hitting ne...
10 Study Techniques Every Student Should Try - Society19
Mi amiga Alexus tiene la clase de ingles , historia , y ciencias los martes y jueves. También tiene la clase de espanol y matemáticas los lunes y miércoles.