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Chapter 30. Shoulder and Axilla
A. Branches of the subclavian and axillary arteries. B. Posterior view of the shoulder arteries. C. Anastomoses of the shoulder arteries.
Lots of nerve damage..upcoming surgeries starting with carpal and seeing what helps. Just call me a guinea pug, oink!♡Zenuwrek n. medianus, n. ulnaris en n. radialis
Piriformis Syndrome: How to detect it and strengthening and stretching programs to help you heal - Runners Connect
How to detect piriformis syndrome and a specific strengthening and stretching program to help you return to healthy training
The Muscular System - Deep Layers, Back Laminated Anatomy Chart
The Muscular System - Deep Layers, Back Laminated Anatomy Chart
Ligaments of the Joints Chart 20x26
Ligaments of the Joints anatomy poster shows location of various joints and provides views of shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle. Skeletal system for doctors and nurses.
Anatomy and Injuries of the Foot and Ankle Chart 20x26
Anatomy and Injuries of the Foot and Ankle poster shows medial, frontal, lateral, and plantar views as well as a cross section. Muscles chart for doctors and nurses.
Muscles of the Foot Laminated Anatomy Chart
Muscles of the Foot
Muscles of the Head Laminated Anatomy Chart
Muscles of the Head