Manipulación y coordinación

Corrida do bambolê com bastão
Atividade corrida do bambolê com bastão🏃‍♀🏃 Essa atividade é muito divertida e super dinâmica. Nela trabalhamos agilidade, velocidade, coordenação motora e percepção de distâncias. Tá pra brincar em casa com a família também😉 Professora quer ter acesso à planejamentos anuais editáveis em Word de acordo com os códigos da BNCC? Temos planejamentos do berçário ao 9º ano!🎯 CORRE LÁ NO LINK NA BIO! Reposted from @educaprofessor
Fine motor activity using a spiky ball and loom bands
Fine motor activity using a spiky ball and loom bands. #finemotor #finemotorskills #inemotoractivity #ot #preschooler #toddler #kidsactivities #activitiesforkids #learntoplay #playideas #funforkids #fingergym
Buddies in Motion
🤩Look at this! This exercise is an amazing way to build core strength. It also helps work on weight bearing, sequencing, and body awareness!🐛💪 📍 Ground fl, 3347, 91st Street Jackson Heights, New York 11372 📞347-495-2219. - 347-480-1656 🤩Mira! Este ejercicio es una forma increíble de desarrollar la fuerza central. ¡También ayuda a trabajar en la carga de peso, la secuenciación y la conciencia corporal!🐛💪 #inchworm #coreworkout #core #corestrength #kidsexercise #exercise py
This may contain: two children playing with wooden beads on a table next to an orange and yellow toy
Bilateral coordination through colour sorting | brain gym activity
Visit my page for more fun activities
Fine Motor Play from Little Toy Tribe - Little Lifelong Learners
Fine Motor Play frFine motor play from Little Toy Tribe by Little Lifelong Learners. There are many ways we can help kids develop fine motor skills through play! We're sharing our favourite tools and toys for fine motor skill development at Little Toy Tribe, an Australian toy shop. Read the blog post to learn more about these tools and our favourite fine motor activities for preschools and toddlers! om Little Toy Tribe - Little Lifelong Learners
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