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Earth at Night - Gaming
earth at night. God said it was good.
Shadowness will close down on July 1st, 2015
13. As a modern believer and a scientist, when I look up at the sky on a clear starry night, I am reminded that “the heavens declare the glory of God” (Psalm 19:1). I am in awe of the complexity of the physical world, and how all of its pieces fit together so perfectly and synergistically.
Einstein tenía razón: el Universo es plano Dos físicos franceses creen que una teoría desechada por el genio puede explicar la energía oscura, la principal fuerza de aceleración del Cosmos
Xavier Mtz
THE SKY CALLS TO US | Carina Nebula-- would be a cool background for my phone More
Eye to the Galaxy
Eye to the Galaxy ~ view through a gorge of a Milky Way night sky, Karijini National Park, Western Australia by Paul Pichugin