Arte & Patrimonio

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ERRP | Expired Registration Recovery Policy
Pieter Bruegel el Viejo - “La matanza de los inocentes” (1565-1567, óleo sobre tabla, 109 x 158 cm, Royal Collection, Windsor Castle, Windsor) Cuando el rey Herodes se enteró de que había nacido un...
ERRP | Expired Registration Recovery Policy
Francisco de Goya - “La condesa de Chinchón” (1800, óleo sobre...
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Giant busts of Rameses II
Photograph of view between a pair of giant busts of Rameses II, whose faces have been removed or eroded. Man leaning on right bust ; through ruins of pylon towards avenue between colonnades of the Temple of Amen-Hotep III and Horus, Luxor.
Templo de Shushin y Palacio de los Gobernadores de Tell Asmar - 2100-2000 A.C
Florence Maruejol Photographe | Sésostris Ier devant Amon-Rê
Sésostris Ier devant Amon-Rê
Florence Maruejol Photographe | Cartouche entourant le nom de naissance, (Senouseret ou Sésostris en grec), du pharaon Sésostris Ier (1956-1910 av. J.-C.). C...
Cartouche entourant le nom de naissance, (Senouseret ou Sésostris en grec), du pharaon Sésostris Ier (1956-1910 av. J.-C.). Chapelle blanche, Karnak, musée de plein air, Moyen Empire, XIIe dynastie.
La Arquitectura Griega. Una cultura que pertenecía a la edad antigua. - Noticias de Arquitectura - Buscador de Arquitectura
Caravaggio - entombment - Musei Vaticani - Rome, Italia
Entombment of Christ | Artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
Lost in the Renaissance
Michelangelo Drawing for The Libyan Sybil, New York City, Metropolitan Museum of Art