
39 Pins
Katrin Schacke Konzeption Gestaltung
#konzeption #gestaltung #schacke #katrinKatrin Schacke – Konzeption & Gestaltung
Papeles de cine, un juego simbólico bajo la dirección de Atipo
Atipo – packaging – Papeles de cine
MIRADOR | Designbolaget
Notebook II
Paris based printer “Impremerie du Marais” asked D&J to art direct the second edition of its Notebook Project. Not only responsible for the packaging and trappings, the studio was free to invite a beautiful line up of international connoisseurs of our choice: Anagrama, Bureau Mirko Borsche, Homework, Oliva Partel, Ouwn, Present Perfect, Research and Development, Studio Adriaan Mellegers
Projects | CCRZ
Paper world print and packaging designed by CCRZ.
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Chaplains International Festival: Prize For Best Short Film. Packaging design by Mucho
Garçon - Brownfox Studio
Garçon on Behance by Brownfox Studio curated by Packaging Diva PD. Some great packaging branding for a French restaurant based in Jakarta.