Illustrated covers

213 Pins
1ª CONVOCATORIA de MAIL ART en La Puerta de Tannhäuser
Mail Art Sample (collage art on postcards exchange since 1965) ~ LA PUERTA DE TANNHÄUSER PLASENCIA: 1ª CONVOCATORIA de MAIL ART en La Puerta de Tannhäuser
Hand Illustrated and Later Printed Envelopes: 1916 (Jan. 14th – Sept. 14th), a series of eleven finely executed hand illustrated envelopes, all signed 'F.G. Sainsbury' and sent unstamped on active service with ''FIELD POST OFFICE'' c.d.s's (mainly ''D.32'') to 'Miss K. Spyer, Shinfield, Berks', mostly with pen and ink illustrations of villages and houses, one in watercolour, all with ''PASSED FIELD CENSOR'' handstamps (mostly ''2454''), an attractive group.
2002 Graceful Envelope Winners / Saunders.jpg
2002 Graceful Envelope Winners / Saunders. What a lovely way to receive the mail!
paperedthoughts #snailmail #envelope
A beautiful surprise of Wolcott, Vermont, USA********** | A beautiful surprise of Wolcott, Vermont, USA********** | Mail art des USA****************
Mail art: words about herbs — Naomi Loves
Wild strawberries — Naomi Loves
Wild strawberries mail
snail mail | naomi loves | Page 2
Mail art: words about herbs — Naomi Loves
Words About Herbs from Naomi Bulger
Mail-art gallery — Naomi Loves
This is a gallery some of my “mail art,” sent to people who subscribe to my blog. If you'd like some too, go9 here. Have you ever heard of mail art? Me neither, until recently. I just thought it mig...-Naomi
Sending my mail over the neighbours fence from Naomi Bulger