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Guitar making in progress
Work in progress... . . . #luthierguitar #handmadeguitar #luthier #madeinspain #madeingalicia #santiagodecompostela #rosette
Indian Rosewood guitar
Guitar details IV. Classical "Syrinx" model, made in bearclaw Spruce and Indian Rosewood. This guitar was finalist at the year 2024 edition of the "Antonio Marín Montero" guitar making competition. . . . #classical guitar #madeinspain #luthierguitar #handmadewithlove
Classical guitar bridge
Guitar details V Classical "Syrinx" model, made in bearclaw Spruce and Indian Rosewood. This guitar was finalist at the year 2024 edition of the "Antonio Marín Montero" guitar making competition. . . . #classical guitar #madeinspain #luthierguitar #handmadewithlove
Bearclaw Sprucen Soundboard
Guitar details IV. Classical "Syrinx" model, made in bearclaw Spruce and Indian Rosewood. This guitar was finalist at the year 2024 edition of the "Antonio Marín Montero" guitar making competition. . . . #classical guitar #madeinspain #luthierguitar #handmadewithlove
Classical guitar details
Guitar details III. Model "Syrinx", made with bearclaw Spruce and Indian Rosewood. This guitar was finalist at year 2024 edition of the "Antonio Marín Montero" guitar making competition. Tuners by Barnett. . . . #handmadeguitars #classicalguitar
Model "Syrinx" Classical guitar, made with Indian Rosewood and Bearclaw Spruce
Guitar details II Model "Syrinx", made with bearclaw Spruce and Indian Rosewood. This guitar was finalist of VII Antonio Marín Montero Guitar Making Competition. Guitar available. Check for details and pricing at my website. . . . #classicalguitar #guitarluthier #indianrosewood #bearclawspruce #handmadewithlove #santiagodecompostela #artesaniadegalicia
Classical guitar details
Guitar details I Model "Syrinx" made with bearclaw Spruce and Indian Rosewood.
Finalist of the Antonio Marín Guitar Making Competition
Dear friends, one year again I've been finalist of the "Antonio Marín Montero" Guitar Making Competition, with my new "Syrinx" guitar model. So proud of being part of the final of this so high level contest. Check out link at bio for more details of the instrument. . . . #classicalguitar #antoniomarin #granada #guitarluthier #madeinspain #madeingalicia #artesaniagalicia
Using 3D prints on luthier handmade guitars
With the collaboration of Vakaloura I am incorporating the use of 3D printing to facilitate the carving of some parts of the guitar, such as the headstock. This way I can better and faster adapt the design to the client's needs. Here I will try a design inspired by Torres and Vicente Arias. . . #classicalguitar #guitarlovers #artesaniagalicia #handmadewithlove #guitarluthier #luthier #handmadeguitar
Planning new bracing design
Planning new bracing pattern, mixing Torres and Bouchet I guess... . Dibujando el varetaje, siguiendo a la vez a Torres y Bouchet, supongo... . Debuxando o que será o varetaxe, nunha mezcla de Torres e Bouchet, ou parecido... . . . #classicalguitar #guitarlovers #handmadewithlove #guitarluthier
Guitar headstocks under construction
Two new guitars on the workbench. I'm now developing a new model, incorporating some new ideas with the intention of getting a more singing guitar with better sound projection, following some designs by Robert Bouchet. . . . #classicalguitar #guitarlovers #guitarluthier #handmadewithlove #santiagodecompostela #luthier #handmadeguitar
Glueing a soundboard
Glueing a new soundboard . Encolando una nueva tapa armónica . Colado de tapa armónica. . . . #galicia #guitarlovers #guitarluthier #luthier #classicalguitar #artesaniagalicia #santiagodecompostela
Working on new guitar rosettes
Prepairing new rosettes... . Preparando nuevas rosetas . Preparando novas rosetas . . . #handmade #workshop #guitarbuilding
Neck carving on a classical guitar
Neck carving on a classical guitar. . Tallando el mango en una guitarra clásica. . Tallando o mango nunha guitarra clásica. . . . #classicalguitar #handmadewithlove #artesaniagalicia #artesaniaespañola #guitarlovers #guitarluthier #guitarbuilding