litter pan

51 Pins
10 Ideas For Hiding Your Cat Litter Box
10 идей для сокрытия вашей кошки ящик для мусора // Turn шкаф в современный место для вашей кошки, чтобы сделать свой бизнес
Odorless Cat Litter Box
"Odorless Cat Litter Box" An instructable for a DIY odorless cat litter box, awesome!
I found this Threshold Wicker Trunk at Target today and paired it with a Sterilite 66 quart plastic storage box to create this hidden litter box for our kitties. I sliced the wicker down the middle of the side and folded back and stitched down the loose ends. So proud of the finished product! Cats like it too!
IKEA Hack - Litter Box from Byholma Chest | Nocturnal Knits
Ikea Cat Litter Box Hack - turn a cheap chest into custom cat box furniture in under an hour. Cool!
Repurposed Pallet Into a Do-It-Yourself Bench
Hometalk :: Get the High-End Look with DIY Pallet Furniture
IKEA hack to hide a litter box. Could also use it as a hidden kitty bed. Hey! You know who you are. Do this so your guests don't have to watch your cat shit in the living room.
Repurposed Pallet Into a Do-It-Yourself Bench
Get the High-End Look with DIY Pallet Furniture :: Hometalk 12 projects.
27 Useful DIY Solutions For Hiding The Litter Box
what a great way to not have the litter box sitting out! 27 great tutorials on how to hide the litter box from you and your house guests but not from your cats! everyone wins
Litter Boxes & Enclosures Furniture
I could probably build this and save me $144! Great idea and just what I'm looking for!