Objetos customizados en casa
44 Pins
This may contain: two white bowls filled with fruit and nuts on top of a wooden table next to green leaves
Reciclar latas para hacer tupperware o tarteras
This may contain: a person holding up a wrapped present in front of a wooden table with the words, como hacer una calita con un tetrabik
Cómo hacer una cajita con un tetrabrik
Les presento la forma más sencilla y útil de reutilizar un envase #Pet de agua Si no reduces es por que le sobras a la tierra.
How to Make Constellation Jar - DIY & Crafts - Handimania
Constellation Jar... such a great idea to do with munchkins for a night light!
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DIY organizer] you could use this for makeup or hair Accessories but MAKE SURE TO SMOOTH DOWN THE EGDES OF THE CANS BECAUSE THEY ARE SHARP. Just got to get my husband to start eating more soup!
DIY : des rangements maquillage à faire soi-même
1.Peignez la face intérieure du verre avec un vernis à ongles de votre choix 2.Laissez sécher et remplissez le !