fishing 101

45 Pins
View From Below: Does Lure Color Matter Underwater?
Find out how lure color changes underwater for better fishing results! #Fishing
Child's Play: Teach Your Kids to Love Fishing
Teach your kids to #fish with this #infographic from
Guide to Catch-and-Release Fishing
Do you know how to do CPR on a fish? Learn here with our guide to catch-and-release fishing! #Fishing #CatchAndRelease
An Introduction to Basic Fly Casting
Follow our guide to basic fly casting to get started in fly fishing today! #FlyFishing
Presentation is Everything When Casting in a Stream
Learn how to present flies to catch more fish when casting in a stream! #FlyFishing
Where’s That Trout? Learn How to Locate Trout in a Stream
Learn how to read the water to fish for trout in a stream! #Fishing
Tips and Tactics
Fishing Lure Color Chart by Water Clarity.
America's Biggest Fish Records, and Where They Were Caught [INFOGRAPHIC]
America's Biggest Fish Records, and Where They Were Caught [INFOGRAPHIC] - Wide Open Spaces
Ranger Fiberglass Boats
Z520C Carbon | Bass Boats | Ranger Boats. Does all that come with the boat!? [I wish]
Where can I see wildlife in Saskatchewan? -
New Skills for Survival
Survival Archives
The McCullock Technique for collecting fishing worms: Drive a 3-foot stake 6-8 inches deep into the ground. Remove or disengage the chain from a chain saw. Rest the bottom of the running chainsaw on top of the stake. The worms will be coaxed from the soil by the vibration.
Ice Fishing: Tactics for a Better Tip-Up
Ice Fishing: Tactics for a Better Tip-Up suspend bait 12" above weeds where fish cruise for food