*Phil Seymour*

Talent, beauty and a phenomenal voice gone too soon. http://www.philseymour.org/index.htm https://www.reverbnation.com/philseymour http://hearmoreseymour.tripod.com/website_for.htm https://www.facebook.com/groups/111361014488/ http://www.carlaolson.com/photoGallery_fs.html
418 Pins
16 Sections
"Twilley Don't Mind" autographed by Phil and Dwight
Photo courtesy of James Bone via Facebook
Phil Seymour · Precious to me
Phil Seymour, photos
Phil Seymour · Precious to me
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Pretty great week. Some amazing lineups and bands. Good old days st the Hong Kong Cafe playing with The Real Kids...#fear #simpletones #x #alleycats #philseymour #gears #plugz #realkids #flyboys #hongkongcafe #nikkicorvetteandtheconvertibles #losangeles #bomprecords
Don Kirshner's concert, Culver City, CA 1977 (photo courtesy of James Bone via Facebook)
CD Album: Phil Seymour - Phil Seymour (2005)
CD Album - Phil Seymour - Phil Seymour - Collectors' Choice Music - USA
the website for
Karen Momme's website of Phil's music history
Karen Momme's website of all things Phil; http://hearmoreseymour.tripod.com/website_for.htm
Phil Seymour · Precious to me
Phil Seymour · Precious to me Manolo Rock's fantastic Phil site.