
198 Pins
MINITARTALETAS SALADAS (SIN COCINAR) ❤️ 🛒 Ingredientes (32 unidades): Pimiento del piquillo: 🔸 50 g de pimientos del piquillo 🔹 60 g de nueces 🔸 100 g de queso crema 🔹 1 cucharada de miel 🔸 Una pizca de pimentón dulce 🔹 Una pizca de comino 🔸 Un chorrito de AOVE @olivar_de_plata 🔹 1 cucharadita de semillas de amapola 🔸 3 minipepinillos en agridulce Queso de cabra: 🔹 70 g de medallones de queso de cabra 🔸 100 g de queso crema 🔹 35 g de arándanos secos 🔸 20 g de pistachos pel...
This may contain: there is a platter of food on the table next to a glass with a straw in it
This may contain: small sandwiches with tomatoes and cheese on them
Мини сэндвич с творожным сыром и шпротами.
10min · 4 servings Ингредиенты • хлеб для тостов • творожный сыр • шпроты • укроп • черри
This may contain: a woman is using a nail file to cut nails on a cutting board with a knife
This may contain: a white plate topped with food on top of a wooden table
Ensalada de langostinos, aguacate y mango 🥑🍤
· 2 servings 📝 INGREDIENTES (aperitivo para 2): • 8 langostinos cocidos • 1/2 mango maduro • 1 aguacate mediano • 1/2 cebolla morada 🔸Vinagreta cítrica: • 40ml de aceite de oliva virgen extra • 15ml de zumo de limón • 1/2 cucharadita de mostaza antigua • Sal y pimienta al gusto
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This may contain: the waffles are arranged on top of each other and garnished with olives
Entertain with these cute Smoked salmon and cream cheese waffles.
· 7 servings Smoked salmon and cream cheese waffles Prep time: 15 minutes l Cook time: NA l Makes 7-8 INGREDIENTS: • 3 mini waffles, sweet • 1 slice smoked salmon • 50g cream cheese, softened • 2 tablespoons baby capers 1 lemon, juice cut into wedges Garnish: Dill sprigs METHOD: 1. Slice sweet waffles into 3 rows. Keeping the squares intact. 2. In a bowl, add half a lemon, juiced, with cream cheese, salt and pepper. Use a fork to combine. Transfer to a piping bag with a star-shaped cake nozzle. 3. Thinly slice the smoked salmon. The thickness should match the width of a waffle square. Roll up each piece and place it in the first waffle square. 4. Add 5-6 baby capers in the next square. Then pipe cream cheese into the remaining square. Add dill sprig on the smoked salmon.
Une croque madame XXL à partager, avec son œuf coulant et sa béchamel onctueuse ! Et pour encore plus d'idées de recettes, rendez-vous sur notre site.