
34 Pins
Фирменный стиль для студии красоты, брендинг
Фирменный стиль для студии красоты, брендинг #брендинг#фирменныйстиль#салонкрасоты#студиякрасоты#логотип#brandingdesign#branding#logo#graphicdesigner#graphic#beautysalon#brandidentity
Tipos de letra recomendados en Dafont #TiposDeLetra #Dafont #Fonts
Descubre los mejores tipos de letra en Dafont para tu diseño gráfico. Recomendaciones de fuentes a la última moda. #TiposDeLetra #Dafont #Fonts #DiseñoGráfico #FuentesDeLetra
Bright and Colourful Brand Identity
Hot pink and orange branding, logo, texture, and pattern design for Sawdust and Stain. Handrawn on Procreate, with bold, retro fonts.
10 Tips to Create a Good Nail Studio Logo Design
10 Tips to Create a Good Nail Studio Logo Design
Bright Business Card - The Design Inspiration
Bright Business Card #businessandadvertisingdesign #business #and #advertising #design