
15 Pins
ArtFire.com - Premier handmade marketplace to buy & sell handmade crafts, supplies, vintage and art
Ancient Runes Ring - Custom Rune - Viking Elder Futhark- pure silver
Sumerian language and cuneiform script
The Sumerian language, an isolate written in cuneiform. The most banal things (accounting records for example) give us an extraordinary glimpse into the everyday life in ancient Sumer.
Alphabet of the Necromancer Common Tongue by Sathiest-Emperor on DeviantArt
Alphabet of the Necromancer Common Tongue by Sathiest-Emperor on DeviantArt
3 of 9 Barcode Font
Barcode font (without letters below). Could be fun for a project.
BoS1 - free Book of Shadows pages to save or print - Section One -Magickal Alphabets
I created this PDF guide and short video to go over a few Sacred Geometry symbols, their names and meanings -- learn more and how to create your own Sacred Geometry artwork (click the image to watch). #SriYantra #FlowerofLife #SeedofLife #MetatronsCube #PiscisEye #Torus #SacredGeometry #StarTetahedron #Icosahedron #SacredGeometry101 #Vector #Illustration --- Illustrations by Skybox Creative, check out the bundle HERE >> https://creativemarket.com/skyboxcreative/538748-Ultimate-Universe-Bundl...