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The decor of this private residence in Sydney is a beautiful masterpiece of craftsmanship and material contrasts. Backer, Norwegian Anders Paul Hoen, Brian Hess of the firm Hess / Hoen has created a unique home where everything is handmade.
Sofá De Madera Tradicional,Blanco Antiguo,Salón Chaise Con Diseño De Impacto Español,Muebles Para Sala De Estar (rce007) - Buy Chaise Lounge,Chaise,Sofa Chaise Product on
All Products | Christopher Guy
An elegantly scalloped back-rest merges seamlessly into restrained arms featuring hand-carved mahogany detailing. The deeply upholstered seat is balanced upon hand-carved solid wood legs. Size
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams | Modern Home Furnishings
AVERY CHAIR POLISHED BRASS - I like the subtle pattern and the brass detail for the living room