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The most beautiful moment in your life will be when your mother says “I’m proud of you” nothing can replace that feeling
17 Things You’ll Relate To If Your Mom Is The Freaking Best
17 Things You’ll Relate To If Your Mom Is The Freaking Best
Mum n. 1 . mother, best friend 2 . superwoman, counsellor, short order chef, bank, chauffeur, life coach, cleaner 3 . inspirational, self - less, loving, caring, devoted 4 . the centre of our family, loved beyond words
Mom I love you for all the times you picked me up when I was down. For all the times you traded your warm smile for my frown. For all the times you brushed my hair and tucked me into bed... Or needed something for yourself and put me first instead. For all the dreams that we have shared, the tears and laughter too. I love you Mom with all my heart... There's no one quite like you!
Mother Daughter The special bond shared between a mother and daughter is the one place in all the world where hearts can be sure of each other. Like branches on a tree, we may grow in different directions, but our roots remain one. And through the fury of the storm or the calm of the rainbow, we depend on each other for understanding and compassion.
The highest and noblest work in this life is that of a mother . Russell M . Nelson