
181 Pins
Anatomical Heart with watercolor explosion by Kristina Bennett: TattooNOW
Off the Map Tattoo : Tattoos : Kristina Bennett : Anatomical Heart with watercolor explosion
I HAVE FOUND THE PHOENIX I WILL BE GETTING! For the longest time I have wanted one <3 This will be going on my foot/ankle :D
Marla Moon cria incríveis tattoos em linhas finas e com muita precisão - FTCMag
tattoo tatuagens linhas finas marla moon rosa dos ventos
Phases of the moon tattoo together with the Latin adage
Phases of the moon tattoo together with the Latin adage "Si vis pacem, para bellum", translated as, "If you want peace, prepare for war".
Estilo aquarela! Felipe Rodrigues arrasa nas cores e sketches na pele - FTCMag
Watercolor tattoo Felipe Rodrigues bússola âncora