Biblioteca Pública

1928 Rural Libraries Bulletin
Can you imagine how happy the rural farming families were to see the bookmobile rolling down the road? With books to read, suddenly they weren't so isolated anymore.
I am a {social} librarian… ¿y tú?, ¿también lo eres?
I am a {social} librarian
The Stanley Clan: "I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library"
It's dangerous to Google Solo
It's dangerous to Google Solo. Take a librarian with you. by theseeleyg, via Flickr LOVE THIS!
The Most Important School Supply
La tarjeta de socio de biblioteca es la tarjeta más inteligente de tu cartera. Yo ya tengo la mía, ¿dónde está la tuya? I've got mine! Where's yours?
Las puertas de la biblioteca dan entrada a cualquier sitio. Library doors are a gateway to anywhere.
"Sin #bibliotecas, ¿que nos quedaría?; no tendríamos pasado ni futuro" Ray Bradbury, autor de "Farenheit 451"