Contes i llibres relacionats amb ovelles i corders
63 Pins
Descobreix el meravellós món de les ovelles! Que aixequi la mà qui mai no ha comptat ovelles per adormir-se! O qui mai s'ha sentit com l'ovella negra de la família... 
I 59 DEM
Ovellari : l'enciclopèdia definitiva. de Ilaria Demonti. ed. Andana Editorial 2023
Descobreix el meravellós món de les ovelles! Que aixequi la mà qui mai no ha comptat ovelles per adormir-se! O qui mai s'ha sentit com l'ovella negra de la família... I 59 DEM
a book with an image of a wolf reading a book and another animal looking at it
L'Ovelleta que va venir a sopar. d'Steve Smallman. ed. Beascoa, 2022
an art display with sheep, books and other items on the ground in front of it
Fira del corder 2023
an art display with sheep in the background
2023 Fira corder Tremp
there is a book shelf with many books on it
2023 fira corder Tremp
there are many books on the shelves
2023. Fira corder
a black sheep is in the grass with its head above it's head, looking up
El Ramat . de Margarita del Mazo ed. nubeOcho 2022 I1 MAZ
the cover of les tress ovelites volcom la notra llana
Les Tres ovelletes : volem la nostra llana!. dePedro Ghergo ed. Brosquil 2005 I2 GHE
an image of children's book cover with animals and people in the background, including sheep
El Ramat d'ovelles. de Pilarín Bayés, Adelina Palacín, Assumpta Verdaguer ed. Eumo Editorial 2021 DESCOBRIREM COM VIUEN LES OVELLES I ALTRES ANIMALS I APRENDREM A CUIDAR-LOS I ESTIMAR-LOS. I2 PAL
the book cover for no piedas de vista al lobo, with an image of sheep
No perdis de vista el llop. de Juan Arjona ed. Combel 2022 I1 ARJ
there is a display in the window with books
2022 Fira Pallars Terra de Corder
a store front window with flowers on the windowsill and pictures in the glass behind it
Tastets de fira Pallars terra de corder 2021
there is a display case in the window with books and other items on it,
fira del corder 2021
there are many books on the shelf in front of the bookcases that have sheep pictures on them
Pallars terra de corder 2017
there is a green table with books on it and other items in front of it
El Pallras terra de corder 2018