Guies temàtiques Barcelona

Bibliografies sobre edificis i places de Barcelona. Inclouen enllaç als documents que hi ha a les biblioteques de la UPC o a altres biblioteques universitàries en cas que no hi siguin a la UPC
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a brochure with an image of a wooden structure in the middle of it
Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez
the front cover of a book with an image of a building in green and white
L'Auditori de Barcelona
a brochure with an image of a building and the words torre j figueras belesquad
Torre J. Figueras "Bellesguard"
a brochure with the words grupo escolar per vita written in spanish
Grup Escolar Pere Vila
an image of a building with the words costa serra, seu de la diputacio
Casa Serra, seu de la Diputació de Barcelona
a brochure with an image of a building and trees in the foreground
Casa Sayrach
a brochure with the words casca pascui i pons on it
Casa Pascual i Pons
the front cover of an architectural brochure
Palau Robert
a brochure with the words palau mercader in spanish and english
Palau Mercader
an image of the cover of a book called guia tematicaca, featuring two people walking down a street
Espai Francesca Bonnemaison - Biblioteca de la Dona
a brochure with the words casa muley - aid in spanish and english
Casa Muley-Afid
the front cover of a book with an image of a building in green and white
Casa Elizalde
an image of a city street with people walking
Palau Magarola
an image of the cover of a book called guia tematicaca, with buildings in the background
Palau Maldà
the front cover of an architectural brochure for a building in guadalajara, mexico
La Balma: habitatge col·laboratiu