
101 Pins
Dans le secret d'une photo : Grenier, Roger, 1919- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Dans le secret d'une photo : Grenier, Roger, 1919- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
En dilettante. Histoire et petites histoires de la photographie amateur
En dilettante. Histoire et petites histoires de la photographie amateu – Editions du Caïd
En Dilettante : Histoire Et Petites Histoires De La Photographie Amateur, Anne Delrez, Adeline Rossion, Michel F. David - Livro - Bertrand
Geoffrey Batchen 'Negative/Positive: A History of Photography' - Fragment
Photography and other media in the nineteenth century |
Photography and other media in the nineteenth century |
Photography and Other Media in the Nineteenth Century
Fotografie : finitura e montaggio - Matè, Donatella, editor - Sclocchi, Maria Carla, editor - Nardini
Il restauro della fotografia: Materiali fotografici e cinematografici, analogici e digitali by Barbara Cattaneo - Books on Google Play
Fotografie, finitura e montaggio by Donatella Matè, Maria Carla Sclocchi - Books on Google Play
El mundo al revés. El calotipo en España