
456 Pins
Roasted Grape & Brie Crostini
Beautiful roasted grape and brie crostini topped with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of sea salt. This easy, delicious grape & brie crostini is the perfect balance of sweet, savory, and sophisticated! Great for holidays, parties, date nights, and weekend brunch.
Cranberry, Brie and Prosciutto Crostini with Balsamic Glaze
BRUSQUETA DE QUESO BRIE Ingredientes: 1 hogasa de pan frances 200 gramos de queso brie 200 gramos de jamón iberico rebanado finamente 100 gramos de tomates secos 1/3 de taza de reducción de vinagre balsamico pimienta al gusto PREPARACION: Rebanar el pan y el queso colocar a cada rebanada de pan un trozo de queso gregar la pimienta colocar de forma prolija el jamón y el tomate rociar el vinagre balsámico de forma que cubra la mayor parte del bocado y servir
This may contain: a close up of a piece of food on a table with a knife and some other items
¡BRUTAL! 🔥🤩 Aperitivo increíble #navidad #recetasrapidas #recetasfaciles
This may contain: two pieces of bread with tomatoes and cream on them sitting on a wooden cutting board
Bruschetta de tomates cherry asados 🍅👨🏻‍🍳
Easy Spanakopita Bites
Make these adorable and delicious Easy Spanakopita Bites and surprise your guests and family with a new twist on a traditional Greek dish. This easy appetizer will please kids and adults! #spinach #appetizer #snack #greek #recipeoftheay