C33 Pasarela

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Fachadas de hormigón negro | Servicio Informativo de la Construcción
Cubierta marquesina en el C.E.I.P. de La Herradura
Cubierta marquesina en el C.E.I.P. de La Herradura - Archkids. Arquitectura para niños. Architecture for kids. Architecture for children.
Loft masculino e industrial en Bulgaria
The largest custom creation in the small space is the large black box that stands at the center of the room. Though you would never guess it, this room is perched atop the building's elevator shaft and actually contains the apartment's bathroom. The exterior material is dark concrete paneling which looks worn as though it has always been a part of this building.
Tableros rechapados barnizados de madera para decoración de interiores. Chapas naturales Essencial de Raclima
Juzgados y edificios judiciales - Milla, Mira y Navarro Arquitectos
Entrada principal del edificio
HDJ75 / T38 Studio
Architects: T38 studio Location: Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico Area: 290.0 sqm Year: 2012 Photographs: Alfredo Zertuche
DECORATIVE BOWLS (made ​​of concrete)
Hand made decorative bowls made ​​of concrete. on Behance