Temporary Architecture

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Gallery of 'Ban' Pavilion / Orproject - 7
Constructed for Beijing Design Week 2012. Designed by Orproject © Jasper James and Orproject
Eco Pavilion 2011 / MMX
"Eco Pavilion": Extending the play of angles and light that are one the hallmarks of the Museo Experimental Eco (by artist Matthias Goeritz, 1953), this award-winning temporary pavilion uses parallel lines of rope to define a parabolic "roof" above the central courtyard.
Winnipeg Skating Shelters by Patkau Architects | Dezeen
Winnipeg Skating Shelters by Patkau Architects
Raumlabor's SpaceBuster touring around New York
Raumlabors, Spacebuster touring around New York
atelier altern landscape architecture 02 « Landscape Architecture Platform
Atelier altern landscape architecture
Pulse Pavilion in Macau
Pulse Pavilion: a fascinating temporary structure designed and built by third- and fourth-year undergraduate architecture students at the University of Saint Joseph in Macau. The design team was led by guest professors Kristof Crolla (Laboratory for Explorative Architecture & Design Ltd. / LEAD) and Dannes Kok.
Beautiful Woven Refugee Tents Get Their Power from the Sun
Woven Refugee Tents Get Their Power from the Sun | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building
Y-BIO by Archinoma
Y-BIO, by Archinoma is a temporary, modular colony providing instant shelter and connection with nature. The Y-BIO unit is designed according to the “Sierpinski pyramid” mathematical model, and is created by attaching three chains to three vertexes of three tetrahedrons strung up so that they’re levitating slightly above the ground. The entire thing is held together using structural steel tubing.