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a little bit of this and a little bit of that
What a pose! No me hablen, no estoy de buen humor!!!
Esta es la hembra chimpancé llamada "Ari" que pasado los años protestó por el horrible tratamiento que recibían los humanos. Hechos estos, que ampliamente se documentan en la película, "El Planeta de los Simios"
Animal photos of the week: 21 March 2014
Observen las expresiones de estos dos seres , que se miran con infinito amor //. . . Gorilla mother Kumili arms her newborn at the zoo in Leipzig, central Germany
Baby boom at Spanish zoo: in pictures
mama gorila
Newborn baby gorilla at Dublin Zoo. I would not want to mess with that mama!
Jessica - proud mother of Denny
Motherhood is near to divinity. - Howard W. Hunter
<3We can judge the heart of a man by how he treats the animali.L 'love of an animal is irreplaceable<3