Uncanny Avengers

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Preview: Uncanny Avengers #15
Preview: Uncanny Avengers #15, Story: Gerry Duggan Art: Pepe Larraz Cover: Meghan Hetrick Publisher: Marvel Publication Date: October 12th, 2016 Price: $3.99 "GOIN..., #All-Comic #All-ComicPreviews #Comics #GerryDuggan #Marvel #MeghanHetrick #PepeLarraz #previews #UncannyAvengers
Rogue by David Marquez, Magneto by Ryan Stegman, Medusa by Sara Pichelli, Dr. Strange by Valerio Schitti, Scarlet Witch by Mahmud Asrar, and Havok by Nick Bradshaw, all colored by Edgar Delgado *
Marvel Announces Uncanny Avengers #1 Spinning Out of AXIS
Marvel Announces Uncanny Avengers #1 Spinning Out of AXIS | Comicbook.com
UNCANNY AVENGERS ANNUAL #1 RICK REMENDER (W) • Paul Renaud (A) Cover by ART ADAMS VARIANT COVER BY PAUL RENAUD • The first appearance of the Avengers of the Supernatural! - See more at: http://www.newsarama.com/20046-marvel-comics-april-2014-solicitations.html#sthash.GU4uQrG7.dpuf