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This may contain: a pan filled with fish and tomatoes on top of a table
Filets de Merluza
Sazona los filetes de merluza con sal y pimienta, en una sartén, sofríe ajo y cebolla picados, añade tomates picados y cocina hasta que se hagan salsa, incorpora los filetes y cocina hasta que estén listos, de esta manera cojen mejor sabor los filets. 🍛 #cocinandoando #Aprendiendococina #Sabrosacocina #Chefs #lacocinacaserarazonada #Aprendiendoacocinar #cocinadeliciosa #Cocinando #filetsdemerluza
This may contain: a white plate topped with mushrooms covered in gravy
Champiñones en salsa 🍄🍄‍🟫
📝 INGREDIENTES: ▪️500g de champiñones portobello ▪️100ml de vino blanco ▪️3-4 dientes de ajo ▪️200ml de caldo de pollo ▪️2 cucharaditas de maicena (fécula de maíz) ▪️Sal y pimienta negra al gusto ▪️Aceite de oliva virgen extra ▪️Perejil al gusto 👨🏻‍🍳 PASO A PASO: 1️⃣ Laminamos los champiñones y salteamos en una olla con el ajo picado y un buen chorro de aceite de oliva, a fuego medio-alto removiendo cada poco. 2️⃣ Cuando estén tiernos y hayan menguado al menos la mitad de su tamaño, incorporamos el vino blanco y reducimos por completo. 3️⃣ Diluímos la maicena en el caldo de pollo frío y vertemos sobre los champiñones. Reducimos a fuego bajo hasta que la salsa tome textura. Corregimos de sal, terminamos con el perejil picado… ¡y a disfrutar!
This may contain: a person holding a banana and chocolate chia pudding in a glass bowl with strawberries on the side
Strawberry Milkshake Chia Pudding 🍓💁🏻‍♂️
BY@shivesh17 Ingredients: 🍓1 cup strawberries, halved 🍓1 banana 🍓2 tbsp oats 🍓1 tbsp honey 🍓1 + 1/4 cup milk 🍓3 tbsp chia seeds Method 1. Add the strawberries, banana, oats, honey and milk in a blender. Blend until the mixture is smooth. 2. Transfer the berry smoothie to a bowl and add in the chia seeds. Mix well. 3. Allow the mixture to set in the fridge for 2-3 hours or overnight till the chia seeds swell up and becomes thick. chia pudding, strawberry chia pudding, strawberry season, breakfast, healthy, breakfast recipes, recipes, healthy, january, yummy, chia seeds
This may contain: two slices of bread with tomatoes, cheese and basil on them are being held by someone's hand
Breakfasts idea
Bruschetta with tomatoes Ingredients: • Bread (ciabatta, baguette or similar) • tomatoes • Olive oil • 3 cloves of garlic • Spices (salt, Mediterranean spices) • Burrata (or cream cheese) • Fresh basil Preparation: • Halve the cherry tomatoes. Add olive oil, crushed garlic cloves and spices. Bake at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes. • Fry the bread on both sides with a little olive oil. Rub the bread with a fresh clove of garlic if you like. • Scatter burrata and cherry tomatoes on top. • Decorate with chopped fresh basil. The dish is ready. • Bon appetit cc: @liliyummy
This may contain: a white plate topped with beans and broccoli
Crema de apio: receta casera - Comedera - Recetas, tips y consejos para comer mejor.
Crema de apio: receta casera - Comedera.Com
Brown Sugar Dijon Glazed Salmon recipe by Marlena Kur | The Feedfeed