461 Pins
Our shop is open and we are celebrating our love for shopping small with our best discount of the year! Everything in the shop is 25% off! No coupon code needed! I’ll be taking 10 more orders before I close the shop to enjoy the holidays with my family so if you had your eye on something now is the time to grab it! My current turnaround time is 3 weeks so all orders will ship by Dec 15th! Sale runs today only and the shop will close when my I reach my order capacity! Thank you for supporting ...
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Мастер-класс: цветок из фетра
Делаем яркую фетровую брошку - Ярмарка Мастеров - ручная работа, handmade
Little Chic Things Broches de Fieltro
Little Chic Things Broches de Fieltro Más
Little Chic Things Broches de Fieltro
Little Chic Things Broches de Fieltro Más