Recetas de comida

68 Pins
This may contain: a person is dipping pizza into a bowl with cheese and pepperoni on the side
piza con ingredientes facil de hacer en casita si te interesa me escribes
This may contain: chocolate tarts on a cooling rack being drizzled with white icing
Mini Chocolate Tarts
These mini chocolate tarts are made with a tender shortcrust pastry tart shell with a simple chocolate ganache filling. They're so easy to make in just a muffin pan! Top them with flaky salt, whipped cream, or fresh fruits for the perfect mini desserts.
Cena exprés⚡️English👇 Solo necesitas: - Tomate - Huevo - Sal - Tortilla - Queso - Ciboulette . . . Express dinner ⚡️ You only need: - Tomato - Egg - Salt - Tortilla - Cheese - Chives #recetasfaciles #cenafacil
This may contain: two tacos with lettuce and cheese being held by someone's hands
Mactacos (tacos de hamburguesa)
🍕👩‍🍳 Easy Homemade Pizza - Quick and Delicious! 🧀🌿
Craving a homemade pizza but don't want to spend hours in the kitchen? Look no further! Our easy-to-make pizza recipe is here to save the day! 🍕👩‍🍳✨ #EasyHomemadePizza #QuickAndDelicious #PizzaNight #HomemadeGoodness #EasyHomemadePizza #DeliciousGoodness
Mini Tartas de Chocolate 🍫🍫🍫 Base de galleta: - 200 g de galletas macarena o galletas de graham trituradas - 80 g de mantequilla derretida - 2 cucharadas de azúcar (opcional) Relleno: - Mermelada de frambuesa (o cualquier mermelada de tu preferencia) - 200 g de chocolate oscuro Instrucciones: 1️⃣ Preparar la base de la galleta:Tritura las galletas hasta que queden bien desmenuzadas. Mezcla las galletas trituradas con la mantequilla derretida (y el azúcar si lo deseas) hasta obtener una ma...
This may contain: a person holding up a piece of food in front of some other foods on a baking sheet
Crispy Baked Ground Chicken Tacos with 3-Ingredient Ranch Sauce | Fed & Fit
These ground chicken tacos are stuffed with perfectly seasoned chicken and shredded cheese and then baked to crispy perfection for a leveled up version of the classic. Garnished with chopped tomatoes, fresh onion, cilantro, and an easy 3-ingredient ranch-style sauce, these tacos are about to change your Taco Tuesday game!