World textiles

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gorgeous vintage woven sarong borders from Laos which could be recycled as pillow covers -- I unfortunately didn't buy textiles when we visited Laos, ugh! Good excuse to go back some day!
Woman's skirt, Bamana ^ Minneapolis Institute of Art
Africa | Woman's wrapper/skirt from the Bamana people of Mali | Cotton, painted and dyed (Bogolanfini/mud cloth)
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Africa | Wrapper ~ bokolanfini ~ from the Bamana people of the Mali | 20th century
Vintage Textiles from the north of Argentina, Bolivia, Peru
//Vintage textiles from the north of Argentina, Peru and Bolivia. Works of art! #Textiles
Explore the Streets of La Paz, Bolivia
Vintage textiles from La Paz, Bolivia The La Paz Collection from Project Bly
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Otomi embroidered handmade, original Mexican Textile hand embroidered from the Otomi area in Hidalgo. This is a colorful embroidered was made
Precioso textil Otomi, Hidalgo, México.
Bright Peruvian Textiles - Entouriste
<3 #shasagirl En Perú hay tantas cosas preciosas, todo en su textil es super colorido y eso le da un toque diferente a cualquier tipo de look!
Pure Mexico: The Mystery and Charm of Oaxaca
Zapotecan textiles at Bulmaro Perez Mendoza, in Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca, Mexico
Textiles Mexicanos | Live Colorful
Viva el color!!! Bordados de México.